How To Estimate Azure Services Cost

The cost is very important factor while building the application over the cloud. Microsoft provides the tool named azure pricing calculator to estimate the rough cost of services which are required for your application.

To estimate the price using the azure pricing calculator, first you need to analyze your application in terms of  which database, OS, hosting environment required and based on that need to identify the azure services which are fit for your application. Let's assume we analyzed the application and our identified services are as follows

  • App Service: Hosting the application
  • SQL Database: Storing the application data
  • Azure SignalR Service: Realtime updating the UI dashboard

Now visit the azure pricing calculator by clicking on the following button

Azure Pricing Calculator

Now add the services which you wants estimate, we are trying to estimate the app service cost, now after choosing the all the parameter the estimation look like as follows

Note: The preceding is the just example to show the functionality  and introduce the of the tool, The preceding is the not proper way to estimation

Features of Azure pricing calculator

  • Allows to estimate the cost of each service by choosing the custom parameters
  • Allows to Export, Save and share the estimation
  • Sample example scenarios to help to choose right estimation
  • Allows to see estimate value in any currency type 
Now visit the azure pricing calculator and see the capability of calculator by estimating your own application.


I hope this article is useful to know, how to estimate the azure services cost, if you have any suggestion then please share by using the following comment box.

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